Sweet Cheetah Publicity

Sweet Cheetah Publicity is an inclusive, socially-conscious PR cohort based in Dayton, Ohio, and started in 2013. We exclusively perform pro-bono PR campaign work in exchange for some commitment to charitable giving or community action.

Past Cohort Members Include:

The 1984 Draft, 2Minute Minor, 6th Circle

a La Carte Records, A Tiger Made of Lightning, Abandon Everything Records, Abertooth Lincoln, Abiyah, Actual Form, Acumen, Airstream Futures, Älägator, All Clean, All Hallowed, Ryan Allen, Scott Allen, American Motors, Amora, Amusement, Anakin x Justin Courtney Pierre, The Anniversary, Anxiety Spiral, The Appleseed Cast, Arms & Armour, Arms Race, Astronaut Pushers, Asylum Party, Atari, Athens Community Music and Arts Festival, Audio Karate, Aunt Bettys

Baby Brains, Bad Lives, Bad Wires, Ball of Light, Bats & Mice, The Bell and the Hammer, The Belle Sounds, Paige Beller, Benchmarks, Benton Falls, Berwanger, Better Days Will Haunt You, Betwixt, Big Life, Big Mess, Big Sad, Bitters and Distractions, Blanket Fort, Bleached Cross, Blind Rage Records, Bloomr, Blues Lawyer, Body Farm, Bomb Bunny, The Book of Very Very Bad Things Podcast, Boris, Brainiac, The Boy Detective, Brandon Phillips and The Condition, Brandston, Brat Curse, Brave The Sea, Break Anchor, Brian Damage, Brian Straw, Bring Her, Broken Hearts Are Blue, Brood X, Bumsy and the Moochers

Cabeza de Agua, Cadaver Dogs, Canadian Rifle, Canyons, Cash Allen, Caterpillars, Catholic School, Caught Dead, Cercle Social Records, Chad Price Peace Coalition, Challenger, Chamberlain, Charlie Faye & The Fanimals, Charlotte Is Mine, Christian Singles, Christopher Lee Lewis, Cigarettes For Breakfast, Cindy, The City Lines, The Color Fred, The Column, Common Sage, Compilations, The Convalescent Flaneur Podcast, Sam Corlett, Count Your Lucky Stars Records, Creep Records, Creepoid, Cricketbows, Cronos Compulsion, Cross My Heart, Curtail

Dad Hats, Damien Done, DANA, Daphne Blue Underworld, Datura, Dead Leaf Echo, Deaf Club, Decent Criminal, De La Soul (book), DieAlps!, The Dirty Socialites, Dischord Records, Diverse Chorus Records, Dolfish, Doll Fest, Don't Get Lemon, The Dopamines, Double Helix Records, DREKKA, Drowningman, Drug Apts, Dutch Experts

EarthQuaker Devices, El No, Empired, Eugenius, Ewy, Exit Angles, Expert Work Records, Extra Arms

Fair Vaux Recordings, Family Medicine, Far, Fat Heaven, Faux Replika, Fearing, FeverSleep, Lars Finberg, The Fire Theft, Flowertown, Fluffy, Focused, For Against, Fossil Arms, Francis Garcia, Fred Mascherino, Friend Club Records, Funeral Date, Funeral Party Records, The Fur Coats, FVRMN

Gator Pit, Gemini Parks, Gentlemen Rogues, The Ghost Is Clear Records, Git Some, Glory Kid Records, Golden Orra , Golden Streets of Paradise, GoodnightGoodnight

Halicon, Hangover Ohio, Hankshaw, Amber Hargett, Harriet The Spy, Harvey Pekar, Hauntu, Heading East Records, Heavy Seas, HEELS, Heet Deth, Her Head's On Fire, Hexadiode, Hialeah, High Praise, Holy Water, Hospital Job, Houseghost, Howardian, Hughes Family Band, Human Issue, Hydrone

Indie Darling, Iodine Recordings, The Intelligence

J. Robbins, J-Card Press, The Jackalopes, Jasper The Colossal, Jawbox, Jay Alan Kay, Jeremy Porter & The Tucos, Joe McMahon (Smoke or Fire), Joey Joseph, Johann's Face Records, John Hinckley, Joshua, Julian Never, The Julies, The Jukebox Romantics

Kai Mark, Kenobi Records, Kicking, Killer Tofu Records, The Kilograms, King Slender, The Kinison, Knife Hits Records, Mike Knott, Josh Krajcik, Kris N

L.S. Underground, Lavasocks Records, Least, Leopard Print Taser, Lesser Care, Let The Bad Times Roll, A Tribute To The Replacements, Lewis, Liars Academy, Light Tower, Lightning Love, Lilito, Lisa Bella Donna. Lost In Ohio Records, Love Spirals Downwards, Lovelorn, Lovitt Records, Low Dose

M Iafrate and the Priesthood, Malguist, Mall Walker, Marijuana Johnson, Mary Kate and Trashley, Massage, Mediocre Gatsby, Melodic Canvas, Mensa Deathsquad, Mighty Tortuga, Mikey Erg, Midsummer, MidWest Friends Festival, Mighty Tortuga, Mind Over Matter Records, Mini Meltdowns, Minnows, MK Naomi, Modern Shakes, MOLT, Moontemple, MONO, Monotrope, Moral Mazes, Morella's Forest, Moros, Mountains For Clouds, Mt.St.Mtn., Mugger, The Mulchmen, Murderbait, My Cousin's Girlfriend's House, My Wife’s An Angel

Bob Nanna, Naturalist, The Nautical Theme, Nave, Near Beer, Neckscars, Neon Warship, Nerver, The New Amsterdams, New Granada Records, New Way Vendetta, Nick Kizirnis, Night Sins, The Nightbeast, No Balance, No Edits

Oceans in the Sky, Oh Condor, Oh, Are They?, Ohio University Music Industry Summit, Okay Lindon, Old Coke, Old Moon, Onelinedrawing, Onsloow, Orange Island, Original Son, Orion Walsh, Orwell, Other Americans, Out Sick!

Pack Sounds, Painted Light, Palm Ghosts, The Party of Helicopters, Peanut Butter, Perfume USA, The Petty Larcenists, Pilot To Gunner, Plight, Poptek Records, Post Skeleton, Powerviolet, Pretty Boy Thorson, The Pretty Flowers, Probleman, Public Squares, Punkerton Records

Quiet Signals

R. E. Seraphin, Rad Girlfriend Records, Rad Owl, The Raging Nathans, Ray Gun Solace, Razorblades and Aspirin (magazine), The Reaganomics, Rebelmatic, Redshift, Relaxer, Repetitionist, Resignation, Restless Habs, Rid of Me, The Right Here, Rilian, Riverside, Roach Squad, Rock Bottom, The Rocking Horse Winner, Roley Yuma, Roseneath, Routine Faces, Rubber Blanket

Sacto Hardcore Shirts, Safe Money, Say-10 Records, Micah Schnabel and Vanessa Jean Speckman, Nickolas Schrek, Scoffs, Scream Therapy (book), Seablite, Sell The Heart Records, Semihelix, Setterwind Records, Shadowtalker Podcast, Shadyside, Ryan Shelkett, Six Gallery, Sixpence None The Richer, The Skulx, Skymender, Slow Coming Day, The Slow Death, Slow Rivals, Slut Bomb, Smug Brothers, SNST, SofaBurn Records, Soft Kill, Soft Riot, Some Swords, Sound Valley Summer Music Festival, Spaceships, Spares, Spells, Spike Hellis, Spoils System, Spoken In Tongues, Starter Jackets, States of Nature, Steadfast Records, Steve Adamyk Band, Stockholm Syndrome, The Story Changes, Strobobean, Subsist, Summer Darling Tapes, Sunburster, Sunn0))), Supermutt, System Exclusive

Tandoori Knights, Tangled Up, Temple of Angels, Ten Ton Hammer, Tender Mercy, Terrycloth Mother, Thank You, I'm Sorry, The Ghost Is Clear Records, The Tisburys, These Arms Are Snakes, Thirty Something Records, Thousandaire, Time Being, TINO, Tired of Fighting, Toilet Rats, Tony Jay, Tough Love Records, True Body, True Faith, Turboslacker, Turquoise, Two Cow Garage


VALI S.c, The Villaintinos, Viral Sun

Wax Mage Records, Jason Webber (author), Wells & Watson, Wet Tropics, Whatever..., Whores., Wild Once, Wild Powwers, The Wind-Ups, winterforever, Gordon Withers, Wreath, Wrong Life, Wrong Reasons (film)


Yardboss, Paul Yoon

Zach Barocas New Freedom Sound, Zaq Baker, Zao